Accepted TACL Papers

  • On the Effect of Anticipation on Reading Times
    Tiago Pimentel et. al.
  • Unifying Structured Data as Graph for Data-to-Text Pre-Training
    Min Yang et. al.
  • The Thai Discourse Treebank: Annotating and Classifying Thai Discourse Connectives
    Attapol T Rutherford et. al.
  • Direct Speech Translation for Automatic Subtitling
    Sara Papi et. al.
  • An Energy-based Model for Word-level AutoCompletion in Computer-aided Translation
    Cheng Yang et. al.
  • The Impact of Word Splitting on the Semantic Content of Contextualized Word Representations
    Aina Garí Soler et. al.
  • Geographic Adaptation of Pretrained Language Models
    Valentin Hofmann et. al.
  • Improving Probability-based Prompt Selection Through Unified Evaluation and Analysis
    Minjoon Seo et. al.
  • What Do Self-Supervised Speech Models Know About Words?
    Ankita Pasad et. al.
  • Cultural Adaptation of Recipes
    Daniel Hershcovich et. al.
  • Evaluating Correctness and Faithfulness of Instruction-Following Models for Question Answering
    Vaibhav Adlakha et. al.
  • Automatically Correcting Large Language Models: Surveying the Landscape of Diverse Automated Correction Strategies
    Liangming Pan et. al.
  • DINOISER: Diffused Conditional Sequence Learning by Manipulating Noises
    Jiasheng Ye et. al.
  • Beyond Boundaries: A Human-like Approach for Question Answering over Structured and Unstructured information sources
    Jens Lehmann et. al.
  • KoBBQ: Korean Bias Benchmark for Question Answering
    Hwaran Lee et. al.
  • Computational Complexity of Natural Morphology Revisited
    Hajime Senuma et. al.
  • Retrieve What You Need: A Mutual Learning Framework for Open-domain Question Answering
    Dingmin Wang et. al.
  • JustiLM: Few-shot Justification Generation for Explainable Fact-Checking of Real-world Claims
    FENGZHU ZENG et. al.
  • Do Multi-Document Summarization Models Synthesize?
    Jay DeYoung et. al.
  • Decision-Oriented Dialogue for Human–AI Collaboration
    Jessy Lin et. al.
  • xCOMET: Transparent Machine Translation Evaluation through Fine-grained Error Detection
    Nuno Miguel Guerreiro et. al.
  • NoviCode: Generating Programs from Natural Language Utterances by Novices
    Asaf Achi Mordechai et. al.
  • SEEP: Training Dynamics Grounds Latent Representation Search for Mitigating Backdoor Poisoning Attacks
    Xuanli He et. al.
  • Exploring Continual Learning of Compositional Generalization in NLI
    Xiyan Fu et. al.
  • Instructed to Bias: Instruction-Tuned Language Models Exhibit Emergent Cognitive Bias
    Itay Itzhak et. al.
  • State of What Art? A Call for Multi-Prompt LLM Evaluation
    Gabriel Stanovsky et. al.
  • Can Authorship Attribution Models Distinguish Speakers in Speech Transcripts?
    Cristina Aggazzotti et. al.
  • Multi-level Shared Knowledge Guided Learning for Knowledge Graph Completion
    Yongxue Shan et. al.
  • Comparing Humans and Large Language Models on an Experimental Protocol Inventory for Theory of Mind Evaluation (EPITOME)
    Cameron Jones et. al.
  • Segmentation-Free Streaming Machine Translation
    Javier Iranzo-Sánchez et. al.
  • CreoleVal: Multilingual Multitask Benchmarks for Creoles
    Heather Lent et. al.