Frequently Asked Questions

About Paper Presentation

Presentation duration: talks and Q&A For long papers the talks are 10min + 3min for Q&A and for short papers it is 5 min + 3 min for Q&A.

Presentation Format for Main Papers All main conference papers will have a poster slot. Some main conference papers will have an oral slot in addition. We have sent out this information to authors. To find the correct presentation format for your paper, please look at this spreadsheet.

Presentation Format for Findings Papers All findings papers will also have a poster presentation slot in one of the dedicated findings sessions. There are no oral sessions for findings papers. To find the correct presentation format for your paper, please look at this spreadsheet.

I do not see my paper in the spreadsheet The registration spreadsheet will get updated once a day, and not automatically updated when authors register for the conference.

Findings Papers Registration Finding are not required to register their paper or present at the conference. But if they want to attend, they must register.

Sessions Schedule We posted the schedule and published it on the Whova app as well. Underline has the most up to date details. Please look inot this link:

Does the presentation recording have to include our faces or can it just be voice overlay on slides? It can just be a voice overlay, you dont have to include your face.

Can I use google slides instead of microsoft powerpoint? Yes, you can use google slides instead of microsoft powerpoint.

When “Oral, Poster” is indicated as the presentation format, do I have to do both in-person? Yes, all in-person papers have a poster session. In addition, some in person papers also have oral sessions. The “Oral, Poster” means you have both.

About Paper Publication

Are changes to author list allowed? Modifying author list in final versions is indeed not allowed.

Is it still possible to make Camera Ready changes? Unfortunately it is not possible at this point to make any changes, since we are already in the process of creating the conference proceedings. You might want to contact the ACL anthology after the conference to check about the possibility of making any changes to your paper.

Finding Papers in Proceedings Findings papers will appear in the proceedings (ACL Anthology) whether they are presented at the conference or not.

Where to submit the paper? Please submit your paper to Underline via this form

Pre-recording: how can I prepare my video? Here is the link to the prerecording instructions if you need them: prerecording instructions

About Trip Preparation

How to get an invitation letter? Please visit the following link and fill out the form for the invitation letter.

Can I print my poster on-site? Yes you can print it on-site. Please look into this page:

Can we still hang landscape posters? Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee that a landscape poster will fit our poster boards, which are meant to take a portrait A0 sized posters.

I face issues uploading the video, what do I do? Please contact the following email address:

If my paper’s presentation format is poster, I should still submit a recording of my presentation, right? If yes, should the recording be using a prepared slide deck? Or should it be on the poster? Yes, you are required to submit a poster, a recording and slides.

About Virtual Infrastructure

I registered for ACL 2024 but cannot access the event page on Underline. You will receive access to ACL 2024 event page on Underline one week prior to the event. Please monitor your inbox (spam and junk folders too) for an email coming from Underline – subject line “Welcome to ACL 2024”. This email will include your account token and instructions on how to confirm your account.

During the conference, will I also present my poster virtually (in a certain time slot) or will the submitted recording be played at the conference instead? For your pre-recorded poster presentation, you can use your poster. When submitting, under the slides field, upload your poster again. The pre-recording will not be played. You will present your poster live. The pre-recording is for those who might have missed your poster presentation or cannot attend in person.

About Social Events

I want to organize a social event and ask for some funds. How can I do it? Please submit your application here: The due will be 31 July.