D&I Socials and BoF Sessions

Dear colleagues,

We hope you are doing great. We are writing this email to you because you indicated the potential interests in organizing a Birds of a Feather (BoF) session or an affinity group meeting session when registering at ACL 2024. As the Diversity & Inclusion team at the conference, we'd like to hear more from you.

May you take a few minutes to fill in the form. Your feedback by 23:59 (anywhere on earth time), July 31, 2024 would be highly appreciated.

Let us know if there will be more we can be of assistance.

Best regards,
Jing, Steve, Lin, and Aparna
ACL 2024 D&I Team


ACL 2024 Diversity and Inclusion team: acl2024diversity@googlegroups.com

  • Jing Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Aparna Garimella, Adobe
  • Steven Wilson, Oakland University
  • Lin Gui, King’s College London